My name is James Hellen. I’m a licensed Massage therapist, experienced in medical massage as well as an advanced Reiki Master. My goal is to heal the mind body and soul.
Reiki Healing
Focusing on healing the mind, soul, emotional as well as physical well-being of the client. An energy healing practice that first originated in Japan works to clear stagnant, negative energy from the body and allow for new pure healing energy to permeate through the body. The experience is truly unique for every client as Reiki aims to heal whatever it is that most ail the client at the time of the session. Typically, the emphasis is on spiritual and emotional healing, which in turn will reap incredible physical benefits. Truly a wonderful experience.
Massage Therapy
Focusing on healing and relaxing the physical body of the client through a combination of bodywork modalities. Specializing in incorporating medical massage techniques including deep tissue and stretch therapy, as well as traditional Swedish and Asian massage techniques creating a truly healing and therapeutic experience.
Reiki Infused Massage
Combining the best of both modalities to deliver the ultimate mind, body and soul healing experience.